Afternoon energyiser! With Mike Press

Mike press is giving us a talk for five mins while we take notes about what is on the projector screen. This is a whole module about Design Thinking and the Well-Being.

There are two things about Design Thinking-

* Imagination with responsibility
“Its always about this, always has been always will be

* Constructive discontent. “we want you to look at the world and be a little bit pissed off frankly”

There’s a stigma about mental health in our society– That’s wrong. We have to think of positive and constructive possibilities for people with mental health problems.

We have five days to do as much research as possible, this includes going out in the streets and prototyping, etc…

“Rubber chickens are absolutely vital… everyone should have one!”


We talk through a problem /issue.

Make it physical – prototype, use images, use chickens (rubber ones)

What is the meaning of this random rubber chicken?

A chicken can represent anything. if you dont have the thing that you need to discribe what you are trying to prototyping then use the rubber chicke. you can guve it to  child to keep them busy while talking to the partent or adult.

Use what you have.

Fail Fast!

The faster you fail the better your prototype will be at the end of the day.

By the end of this afternoon they want to see our prototypes so that they can capture an audience.

Listen like your wrong. Listen with respect and then you prototype again. until you get the best possible result. Be prepared to be wrong. Listen to the people around you, listen well.

“Prototype like your right. and please prototype like the chicken.”

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